Coffee stained teeth? (Includes advantages and downsides to coffee)
After drinking more coffee I noticed my teeth started to stain and I hated it. My teeth looked like they had a yellow tint to them. Also, after going through everything it took to get straight teeth I would like them to be white. Coffee, like wine or tea, can stain clothes and if they are that strong they can stain teeth. A dentist appointment can be scheduled to help fix the problem, even so they could direct you to get a home whitening tray. There are easy at home solutions too though. You can brush your teeth with baking soda and/ or hydrogen peroxide. The baking soda can also be mixed with strawberries. Oil, including coconut, sunflower, or probably others, can be gargled and swished. Whitening toothpaste or strips can help. There are so many options to help.
There are other downsides to coffee too. Coffee is dehydrating, so make sure to drink water with your cup of joe because your body needs water to function properly and it will help keep your skin nourished. Water will help in easing the jitters your body can get from the caffeine. If you put dairy, like milk, in your coffee it could also affect acne. ,Almond or oat milk may be something to try to keep your skin healthy. Coffee helps to keep focused but it can also cause stress which in return can cause acne. Once it gets more in the afternoon decaf may be more of an option if you struggle to sleep at night. Decaf will still contain some caffeine but not nearly as much as regular, this keeps you going but without it being too strong to wake you up too much.
Coffee is not all bad! There are many reasons and benefits to drinking some. The obvious one is it increases energy levels to help get through long strenuous days or nights. It can help burn fat, but not when sweeteners and more are added, that is counterproductive. Coffee contains vitamins and antioxidants which benefit the body. It can also help to reduce health concerns. This means coffee is one of the healthier beverages a person can drink, but that is still depending on what is put in the coffee when making the drink. A balance has to be found in drinking the right amount of coffee. Limiting a person’s intake to one cup of a day is smart since too much coffee causes an abundance of caffeine intake which has adverse effects on health. This still allows a person to get some benefits of drinking coffee.
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